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What is AltWorld Partner Program?

AltWorld works with content creators on YouTube, Instagram, & other platforms to bring fans the most social, entertaining, and interactive content online.The program lets content creators officially talk about AltWorld and our initiatives by earning various monetary and non-monetary benefits.

Who can apply?

In order to be accepted into the program you need to meet the following requirements.

✅ Be respectful towards AltWorld & committed to the deliverables.
✅ You believe in creating original content on your account.
✅ Have a minimum of 3000 subscribers on YouTube.

What are the benefits?

An AltWorld Partner receives a lot of benefits like:

💰 Earn money via fixed payments, install incentives, referrals, and much more.
🤝 Get access to the Partners Discord community channel full of content creators like yourself. Share tips, knowledge, and make some new friends.
🔔 Receive exclusive in-app items, updates and content from AltWorld.

Ways to Earn
Fixed Video Payments

Earn from minimum basic pay to upto 3X by uploading more AltWorld content.

Additional Quests

Participate in additional time-based partner program quests to boost your income.

App Install Incentives

Share your trackable link with your fans and earn money per install.


Let your friends know about the AltWorld Partner Program, and earn through referrals.

Our Partners

How much time does it take to process the payments?

All partner payments will be processed in the first week of the next month of the service. We operate on a month-end payment cycle, i.e. 1 month is considered as per the calendar month, and we do not work on a pro-rata basis.

What is considered as a successfull app install?

A successful app install is tracked when a user installs the app, and opens it.

Can a partner repost content from other creators?

Every partner is obliged to create original content and not indulge in any inappropriate ways to increase their content’s reach.

Where all can a partner promote the trackable install link?

You are allowed to promote the AltWorld’s tracker link on platforms like Loco, Rooter, BOOYAH!, and social apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Discord, etc. As long as the installs are from a genuine source, we have no restrictions on promoting the install link